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Letter to the Editor: Where has the USA Gone?

Updated: Jun 6

I remember a day in America, not long ago, when most of our country was united. Our country,

the United States of America, where our borders, jobs, businesses, resources and children were

protected, where a hard day’s work yielded pride, self-worth and personal stability. Our

America, where our Flag, Constitution and Police were respected, and medical personnel were

considered heroes too.

Then things began spiraling out of control, “stars” began kneeling for our National Anthem and

now boys are competing as girls, against girls. Women’s rights have been attacked to the point

a woman is no longer recognized as a biological woman and the American way of life has been

forever changed, to me, for the worse. There is now a vigorous fight of good against evil across

this country and the world. This is Not political, this is about Country and what Makes America

the Land of the Free & Home of the Brave.

No matter what side of an issue that you may stand on today, does it seem like the opposite of

any issue wants to control the narrative? Without healthy debate, we will only remain divided.

Does the “media,” play a role in this, by dividing us into different groups? Convincing us which

groups or individuals we should love or hate?

Does it feel like we are more divided today about topics such as religion, education or fitting

into a certain class from rich to poor and everything in-between?

Do we base healthcare and other benefits, and who is entitled to them and who should pay for

them, according to economic class? Does it feel like if benefits the “government provides” and

the need for those benefits also increase, your personal debt and the debt of the country also


Do we argue about gun control, or can we even agree to what a definition of that is? Is it

possible to create an environment that could divide people, and in so many ways, that it could

happen to an entire country?

I as many others, will never forget Nov. 3rd, 2020, the day we lost our country to a coup. Yes, I

believe we are in a war without a bullet being fired. Election night 2020, just before my

husband Scott and I went to bed, he had been doing the “math” all night long and with what

was left to be counted, there was no way Trump could lose. The next morning like so many, we

were shocked at what had happened across the nation overnight. As Steve Bannon says,

“Ladies and gentlemen, elections have consequences. Stolen elections have catastrophic


As a result, we no longer have freedom of speech, unless you think the same as someone else.

Speech is being banned on social media and main stream news. Children are being

indoctrinated by government programs in our public schools through social emotional learning

and critical race theory. Teachers are stuck in the middle, often feeling helpless and parents are

left trying to protect their children against a governmental system entrusted to educate and

care for their children throughout their education. Teen suicide is at record levels and our

children are treated as pawns in a cruel tug of war between government and preservation of

the family unit. Our children are victims of greed and control.

Fentanyl is now the number one killer in the country, being facilitated by virtually open borders

that have been controlled by the Cartel for the past 21 months. Women and children are being

trafficked over the border and across the country by the current government. Shockingly,

Wisconsin is currently number three on the top 10 list for human trafficking. Cities that once

were dream vacation destinations now look like a third world country. Our dollar’s value is

decreasing on a daily basis affecting the financial stability of all citizens and businesses

throughout the country. We are no longer energy independent due to bad policy and executive

orders. Everything that once made our Country great and provided a self-sufficient way of life,

freedom, protection and justice for all “We the People” has rapidly crumbled.

Would it seem crazy to see it happen to the USA? Nikita Khrushchev of the Soviet Union didn’t

think so, and on September 29 th, 1959 when he laid out a 9-step plan. Quote; “Your children’s

children will live under communism. You Americans are so gullible, no you won’t accept

communism outright, but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of socialism until you finally wake

up and find (you’re ready) you already have communism.

We will not have to fight you. We will so weaken your economy until you will fall like over ripe

fruit into our hands. The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are

willing to work and give to those who would not. Remember socialism leads to communism.”

Nikita Khrushchev was the first secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union from


For additional information and discussion topics please reference: As read on the floor of

Congress, Congressional Record-Appendix, pp. A34-A35 Thursday, January 10, 1963.

Respectfully, In God We Trust,


Scott & Stephanie Harbridge

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